I had gone to bed in prayer and meditation and it happened early the next morning that I had a dream that was more like a vision.
I went from going to sleep after deep prayer at home in my bed to being in the spirit in another place with Father God. Except that where we were, was in “space” and way out past the moon. There were stars and planets all around. It was dark but with light... I could see part of the earth past the moon. It was beautiful. I seemed to have Father God all to myself and with such incredible peace. I seemed to have gone from communing with Him at home to being translated with Him there.
I felt so small next to Him. I was with my heavenly Father. He was on my left and I was snuggled up next to Him on His right. We were sitting on something invisible. I was sharing my heart with Him but He spoke with me too. It was conversation not just prayer. It was sweet and awesome but somehow it came time for all conversation to end. And His attention went from me, to where He looked toward the earth & spoke something directly at it. He did not whisper nor was He especially loud; He just spoke in a strong, heartfelt tone and like a “this has-to-be” tone. Whatever He spoke was not in a language I could understand. And what happened next was even more tremendous shock and awe.
My view then went from immediately beside Him, to being out further and when He finished His proclamation, I saw Him blow a breath toward the earth and fire came out of His mouth with the breath. A little breath of literal fire that started small and got bigger and bigger as it was heading toward earth. And I thought. UH OHHHHH. This was a gentle breath, what if it would have been strong; nothing would exist on earth at all. Praise Him it was gentle. I said in my heart, “thank You Lord for all my loved ones who have passed already, escaping what is ahead,” because I knew this was some kind of judgment.
Then the next thing I knew, I was back on earth in my body (ahead of the fire that I knew was on the way), but still feeling extremely close to God. And I uttered to the Lord in my spirit with hardly any words and as fast as I could... “Lord, I don't mind being toasted, as long as I am with You. It's whatever You want, keep me on earth or bring me Home. Your will is what I want.”
And as the flames were about to hit, I went out of my body again, up in the air, high over the United States like between Kentucky and Washington D.C.. It is hard to say how high but very high and still in our atmosphere. And I could see way, way across the earth; in a way that made Google Earth look minuscule... I saw the far eastern part of the United States and the Atlantic Ocean. Then my eyes went past there and I saw Britain, and all the way across Europe to Romania. And I cried out.... “Oh Carmen” (my sister in Christ, in Romania)...... I saw the Black Sea there and even past that. I even saw China and I looked downward toward Australia. Then while my focus was coming back toward home; I looked down at the whole continent of Africa, and I cried out “Oh Africa”... Then I saw the fire coming. Only it was arriving like fog, waves of fire, settling like fog. I knew it was global. The fire was sent to the whole earth. And I saw the fire settle on mountains, valleys, the waters and the whole earth. I saw it cover everything like a blanket. The whole earth. And I wondered, was it worse on the mountain than in the valley because it was covering all where it went? Did it diminish in places? It seemed to cover all and with the same impact. It was fast. Like minutes or seconds in my perception. Not like days.. He blew. It came. It was done. Then the mess.
And I survived. All of a sudden I am back in my body. I was in shock, because I was unharmed and not suffering in any way except for what was going on around me.
There was confusion everywhere. Incredible disorientation. People were injured, suffering, hungry and scared. Many people were dead. No one seemed to realize it was “God's doing” at all; they seemed to think it was “just nature.” But the earth was impacted and it was fierily impacted by the Lord God Almighty. Those that could, were trying hard to help the injured, but there were not enough medical facilities to take so many in.
And in no time at all, I left there in the spirit and all of a sudden, I was in an underground place that I seemed to know was in Colorado. It was like a big highrise building - but underground. It had the feel of when you walk into a 10 story building and the lobby is huge and seems to go up forever. But no windows, no decorations and completely underground. Inside me, I am thinking, okay I am in an underground highrise with no windows, somewhere in Colorado. What on earth am I doing here?
Even though it was underground, the lighting was so immense, it did not seem dark. It was huge, blah and plain. It seemed as if there were a couple of thousand people in there and with room to spare. There were many, many hundreds of people there at a minimum; and I saw myself standing among these people. They seemed like “officials” or “leaders.” While standing there feeling and looking very much out of place; I heard two of them speaking and one of them said that they had been telling people that it was solar flares. But I knew it came from God. I saw the fire leave His mouth. I was outraged to hear what they were saying but felt strongly to not say a word.
A note here: When I saw God make a proclamation at the earth, it really got me. And then when I saw Him breathe His breath towards it and fire came from His mouth, for me the shock was huge. And as I have read my Bible since then, I can honestly tell you that when I read some of what John wrote in Revelations, I hear it different now. When John writes that he heard or saw something but cannot tell it; it means so much more now. I heard God speak that proclamation and cannot tell you what He said. It is like what He spoke was sealed. This whole experience is so hard to describe and was like continuous shock and awe.
As I stood with the “official-like people,” they were all discussing “what to do next” and they were “assessing damages.”
Then an even more unthinkable thing happened.
“A man” came out from across the huge room and waited for his desk to follow shortly thereafter. I heard someone say, “we are past needing a president, this is the time for “the leader.” Like hard times were here and this was “the leader's grand entry.” It was like he was coming into his purpose. He had obviously been in the waiting, and this catastrophe was his entry point.
There were doors in the room, but you could hardly tell it. They looked just like wall. After “the leader” made his entry; he stood with some military officials waiting, until his huge desk then came out too. It was carried by 4 guys. And when it was in place, he went and sat at it. Also, the room was square. Where he entered from was the far wall from where I “popped in” and almost to the far left corner. They set up his desk on the wall to the right (his right) of the door he came out of and about a 1/3rd to 1/4th down the wall.
We were all told to line up in order, to pass before him, over an intercom. At this point, I found myself being about #30 in line. I am not sure how I got there but I did.
More directions came forth that we were to all pass before him, and say: Hallelujah.
When we would get in front of him, we were to make eye contact and say “Hallelujah”... directly to him.
I prayed in my heart to the Lord.... “You KNOW I cannot say it to that man. And even if I stood there and stared him in the eyes... the only Hallelujah that could come from my mouth is to YOU LORD."
And I looked at the man. Studying him to the max. He was not especially tall or short. He was not fancy dressed. He was dressed in a manner that I can only describe as “classy casual”. He had on dark brown slacks and an apple green, long sleeve shirt made with a soft and expensive looking fabric.
He had shaggy hair; not curly but straight. And seemed to be styled like an expensive razor cut. And his hair was not brown or red but somewhere in between; but closer to brown. He was white but had light, reddish-brown-to olive skin color, almost American Indian looking. He looked like a cross between an Indian, an Italian and a Jew; but not with dark skin. To me, he did not seem overly distinct-looking but was very calm and very distinctive in his mannerism. He knew the power was “all his.” He knew his word brought action. At this point, he had a quiet, but calm and yet cocky disposition. I am sure he could go from calm to killer in the blink of an eye but at this time, he was quite calm and stern in the process of “taking control.”
One by one, all were to pass before him, saying “Hallelujah” directly to the man and if you passed, then you were in on his team that initiated him. They seemed to have had a “voice recognition” device that would decide if we really said it truthfully to the man or not (like an invisible lie detector from somewhere measuring the truthfulness of our words)... I know it sounds strange but it is what happened. And if you did not pass, they took you away. And it meant, the end of the road.
A man, about 4th in line, failed the invisible lie detector and immediately, two strong gentlemen appeared, one taking each of his arms and escorted him to his fate.
I never got to the desk. I just was listening for the Lord to tell me what to do because I could never say Hallelujah to a man. Especially him. I knew he was the evil one and imitating God.
And I woke up dumbfounded.
I have to say this, I am not sure if this was literal, allegorical or even something else. This to me, was an initiation of this evil man by leaders that had hidden during a global disaster. It was not to the public yet, but first to the “leaders and people in power.” Maybe public or secret leaders even, but the “swearing in if you will” was not done in public view. In order for him to rise to power, the powers that were, had to absolutely swear allegiance first.
Copyright © 2013 E. Cockrell May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
A revelatory word by Tracy Anne Loosle.
Given to Ann Webb Davenport @ New Beginnings Full Gospel Tabernacle, Cameron, Texas
Upon seeking the Lord about communicating His love, He gave the most amazing dream.
An encouraging word by Corey Austin Shulze.
About learning a key to a stronger paradigm regarding the power of patience.
Overcoming years of depression to become a viable soldier in the army of the Lord.
As I stood before the Lord and an angel, I was asked a question.
What happens when a person rejects the correction of the Lord over and over?
A revelatory word by Tracy Anne Loosle.
Given to Ann Webb Davenport @ New Beginnings Full Gospel Tabernacle, Cameron, Texas
Upon seeking the Lord about communicating His love, He gave the most amazing dream.
An encouraging word by Corey Austin Shulze.
About learning a key to a stronger paradigm regarding the power of patience.
Overcoming years of depression to become a viable soldier in the army of the Lord.
As I stood before the Lord and an angel, I was asked a question.
What happens when a person rejects the correction of the Lord over and over?