First of all, we want to thank you for being interested in this site and we pray it will be useful to you, so you will want to return.
The Biblical truth is neither convenient nor easy to find. This site is intended for those who believe that the Bible is the Word of God, revealed by the Holy Spirit to the elected servants to transcribe. Many wonder how do we know that the Bible is really the content received from God. If we look at the prophecies about Jesus Christ written on its pages, starting with the book of Genesis, and then on the rest of the Old Testament, we see they were fulfilled. Only under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, could the authors of these books write so accurately what would happen to the Messiah, the Savior promised by God.
Our desire is to share what the Holy Spirit revealed to us while studying the Scripture for many years in our walk with Christ, with all who want to grow spiritually and in the knowledge of Bible truth.
The Bible is the main source of information for anyone seeking to know the Triune God: Father, Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. On its pages we learn what God likes and dislikes; what He wants us to do and what not; who we are and what we have in Christ, how to have Him as true Lord of our lives; how to live to please Him. In short, the Bible is the perfect guide for living right and get to the end of the journey, where Jesus has prepared a place for us. (John 14:3 "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.")
During my early years of walking with Christ, I had no access to practical messages about how to apply the teachings of Scripture in daily life. Through this site, as well as the first site, where I am co-author "The Truth Stands Forever." I am trying to make such information available to those who seek it.
On this site you can also find a series of messages about women in ministry, under the title Scriptural Basis for the Legitimacy of Women in Leadership Within the Church, by Eileen Slattery Berglund and messages about Rapture and end times written by L. Cockrell, that I translated and adapted for the Romanian language readers.
We also have Blogs and Devotionals. In the Daily Devotional section, you may read short messages that explain Bible verses as we may apply them in our daily lives, ended with suggested prayers. Also, you may choose the desired devotional, from the category you desire on the page Daily Devotionals Grouped on Categories.
Have a pleasant and useful reading!
The Biblical truth is neither convenient nor easy to find. This site is intended for those who believe that the Bible is the Word of God, revealed by the Holy Spirit to the elected servants to transcribe. Many wonder how do we know that the Bible is really the content received from God. If we look at the prophecies about Jesus Christ written on its pages, starting with the book of Genesis, and then on the rest of the Old Testament, we see they were fulfilled. Only under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, could the authors of these books write so accurately what would happen to the Messiah, the Savior promised by God.
Our desire is to share what the Holy Spirit revealed to us while studying the Scripture for many years in our walk with Christ, with all who want to grow spiritually and in the knowledge of Bible truth.
The Bible is the main source of information for anyone seeking to know the Triune God: Father, Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. On its pages we learn what God likes and dislikes; what He wants us to do and what not; who we are and what we have in Christ, how to have Him as true Lord of our lives; how to live to please Him. In short, the Bible is the perfect guide for living right and get to the end of the journey, where Jesus has prepared a place for us. (John 14:3 "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.")
During my early years of walking with Christ, I had no access to practical messages about how to apply the teachings of Scripture in daily life. Through this site, as well as the first site, where I am co-author "The Truth Stands Forever." I am trying to make such information available to those who seek it.
On this site you can also find a series of messages about women in ministry, under the title Scriptural Basis for the Legitimacy of Women in Leadership Within the Church, by Eileen Slattery Berglund and messages about Rapture and end times written by L. Cockrell, that I translated and adapted for the Romanian language readers.
We also have Blogs and Devotionals. In the Daily Devotional section, you may read short messages that explain Bible verses as we may apply them in our daily lives, ended with suggested prayers. Also, you may choose the desired devotional, from the category you desire on the page Daily Devotionals Grouped on Categories.
Have a pleasant and useful reading!
The material and articles on this website are the exclusive properties of Carmen Pușcaș and E. Cockrell and may be copied for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.